Frequently Asked Questions

What do your travel planning services cost?

Absolutely nothing, zip, zero. When you book a Disney vacation with Golly What A Day Vacations, you never will pay us anything; our services are free. The Mouse takes care of us!

Do I have to pay for my Disney vacation all at once?

No, Disney only requires a $200 deposit per reservation (not per person) to book a Disney vacation. Full payment is due 30 days before arrival.

Do I have to make monthly payments?

No, Disney does not require anything other than the initial deposit and final payment. Some clients choose to make regular payments while others pay the balance at the end.

What forms of payment are accepted?

We make your payments straight to Disney on your behalf as your Travel Planner. Disney accepts credit card, debit card, and Disney gift cards.

What happens if I book early, but later Disney releases a discount?

Our Travel Planners keep watch for any discounts that Disney releases. If a discount is applicable to your vacation, we will go in and apply it to your vacation to reduce your balance.

How does the dining plan work?

The dining plan is calculated by night of stay, not days of vacation. Depending on which type of dining plan is chosen determines the different options provided. This can be confusing, but our Travel Planners will make sure you understand the process.

What if we have multiple families traveling together?

We will work with and manage all families to make sure that all your planning is seamless and connected. No need for you to stress over trying to keep everyone organized, we will take care of it for you.

What if someone in our family has special needs or dietary restrictions?

We will work with you to make sure that your needs will be addressed and met. We have tips to help make your vacation seamless for everyone.